I’m not a fan of holidays, in a way that’s difficult for me to articulate. In theory, I’m a big fan. I enjoy taking time away from work. I’m thankful that others get to do the same, and either spend time with their families, or spend time reflecting and relaxing. I would be sad if people didn’t get the chance to do that periodically.

But selfishly, I don’t like when the world takes the same day off (or, and most especially, an entire week).

I really enjoy my day-to-day life. I love waking up to a fresh batch of blog posts and social posts to read, new podcasts to listen to, new videos to watch. There’s always something interesting or novel to enjoy. Except around the holidays.

I also love cooking at home, but I don’t like feeling that I have no other choice. I enjoy being able to grab a quick bite to eat when I’m out and about, if I want. If I’m not feeling well on a particular day, or just don’t have it in me to cook something, it’s nice being able to let others do that for me.

All of that is to say, I really love that holidays exist, and I think they’re a good thing. I wouldn’t really do away with them, even if I had the chance. But just because I think something is good for the world, doesn’t mean I have to individually like it. All I know is that while I’m glad the world slows down around Christmas, I’m personally looking forward to January 2nd.

Happy holidays!